The Role of Power Carts in Optimizing Assembly Line Efficiency
When it comes to attaining efficiency on the manufacturing floor, there’s no detail that’s too small to warrant attention. There’s a natural tendency to hone in on high-level issues like process methodology, the larger pieces of equipment and worker performance, but all three of those elements of assembly line performance are affected by the so-called “lesser” pieces of equipment as well.
That includes power carts. An industrial power cart or a heavy duty power cart may seem like just a piece of equipment, but they offer some powerful possibilities when it comes to optimizing assembly line efficiency and improving worker performance.
To find out how these possibilities can be attained, let’s take a closer look at what power carts do, how they’re made and what benefits they can give you, with a primary focus on making your assembly line flow more smoothly and become more efficient.
The Role of Power Carts in Optimizing Assembly Line Efficiency
To start the breakdown, let’s take a look at space. Specifically, we’re talking about the space on your manufacturing floor, which can range from costly to priceless, depending on how you use it and what you do to optimize your space.
Power carts can play a major role in optimizing your available space. They can give you both horizontal transportation and vertical storage, and this combination can mean not having to spend as much to buy other, more expensive pieces of equipment like manual fork trucks and pallets.
This isn’t the only win-win you can get from power carts when it comes to optimizing your space. Combining storage and transport in a single item means workers have more room to move around and fewer obstacles to deal with, which often leads to better overall performance.
The Versatility of Power Carts for Line Development & Process Development
To the uninitiated, a power cart is just a power cart when you see it on the factory floor. It’s a generic item that fulfills a specific function, and that’s as far as it goes.
Wrong. Custom power carts can be made in so many ways that there’s almost no limit to the functions they can help with, and you can design them to handle any object or load, not to mention every kind of transport scenario.
These kinds of carts can be used throughout the assembly line. They can be built to help with the transport of raw materials, or they can be designed to accommodate all kinds of kitted parts.
In addition, unfinished or almost-complete goods can be transported from workstation to workstation or cell to cell, and when the product is done they can roll it right into virtually any transport sequence.
That kind of versatility can also enhance worker performance. Specific kits delivered on custom power carts help workers keep their eyes and focus on the job at hand, rather than having to spend time gathering up tools or parts.
Get the Efficient Ergonomics & Power Performance
Speaking of ergonomics, they represent a major issue on just about every factory floor.
Specifically, custom power carts can help make workers more mobile or stationary, depending on the requirements of a given assembly line. They can be built to eliminate unnecessary movement or give workers more freedom, depending on the efficiency needs you have for your assembly line.
Moreover, you can upgrade power carts to get even more benefits. These upgrades include important ergonomic additions like rollers, conveyors, clamps, and hydraulic lifts, and those are just a few of the possibilities.
These kinds of ergonomic upgrades don’t just make workers more efficient and make them better at their jobs. They’ve also been proven to help reduce workplace injuries and accidents, which means workers are happier, they perform better and the continuity of the assembly line isn’t disrupted.
Safety Analysis On the Manufacturing Production Line With Performance Power Carts
The factory floor can be a dangerous place. Workers have to be able to handle a wide array of tools, and some have sharp edges or present issues because of their size or weight. There’s a lot of bending, lifting and twisting in a typical production job, which makes worker safety an important issue.
Power carts can help keep workers safe. With the right design, they can minimize the amount of weight workers have to handle, and an ergonomic design can also limit the necessary amount of bending and twisting, which means fewer strains and sprains.
Moreover, workers know when they’re being treated right. When they see power carts that double as safety devices, they perform better, they’re happier and your retention numbers improve as well.
Let’s look at an example—forklifts and manual forklift trucks. They’re potentially dangerous, but much less so when power carts are used to optimize the amount of necessary movement. Safety statistics can be used to verify this, and workers will thank you when you take the necessary steps to keep them safe.
Efficient Travel Through the Cell Line with Functional Power Carts
Process design is one of the most important decisions manufacturers make when it comes to the assembly line and the factory floor, and power carts can help make that decision easier.
How? Using custom carts throughout an assembly line can help eliminate production overhead, and it can also reduce downtime, speed up the process time and improve efficiency. It’s a simple, basic product that can give you big, impressive results.
In addition, custom carts can also play a major role in changeovers. They can minimize the time required to shift materials, change tools or even overhaul the line to produce an entirely different product. They’re especially critical in space areas that dictate specific changeover needs like loading docks, receiving rooms and so on.
Quixxsmart Can Help You Get the Perfect Power Carts for Your Assembly Line
At Quixxsmart, we know power carts. We sell and design power carts of all shapes and sizes, and we’ve helped manufacturers use them efficiently in nearly every kind of manufacturing environment imaginable.
We can help you define your power cart needs, get custom and generic power carts and make your assembly line perform better and faster when you use them.
Contact Us Today!
You can find out more about us by visiting our website. You can also reach us by phone at (978) 536-9992 and you can email us at [email protected]